Japanese Language Club South Africa


frequently asked questions

You can go onto our website at https://www.jlcsa.co.za/courses/ where you can book classes by clicking on the “book” button! For individual classes you are also given an option of choosing available time slots that suit your schedule.

Course start times depend on the course! Our N5 course has two intakes during the year,in January and July. Our N4 course begins in January. Our other courses will begin later this year! And for individual classes, you get to choose a start date yourself! 

Each class has a different schedule. We, therefore, need to know your Japanese level to find out which course is the best for you!

Furthermore, classes have different intakes. N5 (beginner) classes have two intakes in January and July, while N4 and N3 classes have just one intake every year in January.

If you miss a class due to loadshedding, there will be no missed class fee. As our classes are recorded, if you miss one, we will be able to send over video of the class so you can catch up in your own time. If you miss an individual class due to loadshedding, you will be able to reschedule with your teacher.

It depends on the class. Our N5 class is taught by our wonderful Hiromi-sensei, and our individual classes give you the chance to choose your teacher. We have some great Japanese teachers here at the club!

Our teachers utilise a mix of Japanese and English during teaching. Using Japanese during classes may be daunting at first, but is a trusted method to get students engaged and immersed in the target language.

We would like all students who start the N5 course to be able to read hiragana and katakana. For those who cannot, we highly recommend our short hiragana and katakana course which will help you quickly learn the characters. In regards to kanji, there is no requirement to learn the character before any classes, you’ll be learning the characters in the class!

We tend to limit class sizes to around 20 students per class, so sign up quick so you don’t miss out!

You can sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of our homepage! Members are part of a vibrant community that loves all things Japan. We have a communal WhatsApp group as well that you can join to talk with and meet like minded Japanese fans.

Our paid membership will be launched in 2024, giving members discounted access to events and one free Japanese class of their choice per annum.

You can become a volunteer by mailing us at info@jlcsa.co.za! When we put on events during the year, we will reach out to you for help, ranging from registration help to organising venues! As additional thanks, volunteers will receive free entry into our events, in addition to some other fun perks!

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